Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Friday, June 20, 2014

Little Mtn Hike

Hiking up Little Mountain is adventurous when you don't pay attention and chat the whole time. 

This trail may not look steep but we "huffed" and "puffed" the entire way up. Wouldn't you know when we reach the top we find out that happens to be the name of the trail?! 

The view was definitely worth the hard work... Even though we got completely lost on the way back down;) 

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Last day of 2nd grade

Another year has flown by too quickly! Rylee had a great year in school and is beyond ready for Summer vacation! She's looking forward to 2 weeks in Mt. Vernon at Nanas house... and especially for horse camp at Lang's Pony Farm:) 

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day

We had a relaxing weekend in St. George for Mother's Day. Grandpa walker, granny Kate and Grandma Carol all celebrated with us! We went swimming, played on the gold cart, ate yummy treats and Grandpa taught Rylee how to golf! Rylee and grandpa bought Rylee her first set of clubs and shoes and now she's hooked just like him:) 

Sunday, April 20, 2014

8 is great!

This little girl isn't so little anymore. I blinked and now have an eight year old. Rylee is full of life. She's truly sweet and has the softest heart. Rylee loves her cousins so much and loves to help babysit them. Rylee is a rockstar cheerleader and is one of her teams fliers again for her second year. Rylee is super smart and especially great at math. Rylee continues to love animals and wants to be a veterinarian when she grows up. Rylee is beautiful inside and out. She's a really good friend and the perfect daughter. This year, Rylee's birthday falls on Easter. She's so excited to spend her birthday with her cousins coloring Easter eggs, going on an egg hunt, hitting a piñata and eating barbecued salmon:) 

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

California nationals

Hard work paid off at the California cheer nationals! Rylee and her team pulled together and took 2nd which is AMAZING! 

We spent a few days at Disney Land 
Grandpa Walker and Granny Kate played with us one of the days!

Rylee and her sister Gretchen had quite the fan club follow them to California. 
Gran Dad and Gran came with aunt Jojo. Daddy, Heather, Korbin and Jesslyn cheered Rylee and Gretchen on all weekend. Grandpa Walker and Granny Kate were shocked with the "show" Rylee and her team put on for the crowd. Such a fun weekend with people surrounding Rylee with love and encouragement:)

Rylee wasn't thrilled with taking 2nd. She told me 2nd is just the first loser.

After two days of competition we decided to hit up Newport beach and play in the sand. Rylee got an early birthday present... a longboard! She was in heaven and picked it up quickly:)

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Hard work

Rylee has been working really hard the past few months with her cheer squad. 16 more practices until the first friends and family performance!